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Random game

The Atari 1400 XL has the same characteristics as the Atari 800/600 XL machines except for some new features: a new custom chip called "FREDDY" which replaces the old TTL chips of the 600/800 XL to manage the memory. It has a speech synthesizer chip (SC-01) and a built-in modem (Bell 103 compatible, 300 baud).

It seems that this computer was never marketed... Another model was announced at the same time: the Atari 1450 XLD.

Image, description and specification taken with permission by
System unit Description
Processor MOS 6502C
Clock speed 1.79 MHz (NTSC)
ROM 16 KB (the Basic on a cartridge)
O.S. version(s) XL O.S.
Built-in software Self-Test, Basic Revision B (later models have Basic Revision C)
Colors 16 colors with 16 intensity level each
Sound 4 voices, 3.5 octaves (POKEY chip)
Text modes Five text modes, max: 40 x 24, min: 20 x 12
Graphics modes 12 graphic modes, maximum: 320 x 192 pixels
Co-processor GTIA (video output, sprites), POKEY (sound, I/O), ANTIC (video, display lists), FREDDY (memory manager)
I/O ports RGB, cartridge, Expansion port, Tape, RS232, Joystick
Controller port(s) 2
Parallel Bus Interface Yes
Power supply External power supply unit
Keyboard Full stroke keyboard
function keys (Reset, Option, Select, Start, Help, F1, F2, F3, F4)
Build-in media modem, speech synthesiser chip

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