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Entry name:130 XE Bank Switching Demo
Category:Page flipping
Publisher/Developer:ANTIC Publishing, INC., Flop 5

Listing 1
10 REM 20 REM | 130 XE BANK SWITCHING DEMo | 30 REM 40 REM by Bill Marquardt 50 REM (c) 1987 60 REM ANTIC Publishing 70 REM program SWITCH.BAS 80 REM only for computer 90 REM Atari 130 XE 100 GRAPHICS 18 110 GOSUB 380 120 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK0 130 POKE DL+4,0:POKE DL+5,64 140 FILLER=33:GOSUB 340 150 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK1 160 FILLER=34:GOSUB 340 170 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK2 180 FILLER=35:GOSUB 340 190 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK3 200 FILLER=36:GOSUB 340 210 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK0 220 FOR D=1 TO 100:NEXT D 230 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK1 240 FOR D=1 TO 100:NEXT D 250 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK2 260 FOR D=1 TO 100:NEXT D 270 POKE PORTB,193+MODE+BANK3 280 FOR D=1 TO 100:NEXT D 290 GOTO 210 300 POKE PORTB,NORML 310 POKE DL+5,INT(SC/256) 320 POKE DL+4,SC-(PEEK(DL+5)*256) 330 END 340 FOR I=0 TO 239 350 POKE NUSCREEN+I,FILLER 360 NEXT I 370 RETURN 380 PORTB=54017 390 NORML=PEEK(PORTB) 400 DL=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256 410 SC=PEEK(DL+4)+256*PEEK(DL+5) 420 NUSCREEN=16384 430 MODE=0 440 BANK0=0:BANK1=4:BANK2=8:BANK3=12 450 RETURN
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