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  • Entry name:
     ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester 
  • Category:
  • Publisher/Developer:
    Flop 5
  • Year:
  • Code:
    GIA Software
  • Programming language:
    Atari BASIC
  • Entry name:
    ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester
  • Category:
  • Publisher/Developer:
    Flop 5
  • Year:
ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester ATARI 130 XE Extended RAM Tester
Listing 1
10 REM 
20 REM | RAM Banks Tester |
30 REM 
40 REM - only for ATARI 130 XE
50 REM - (c) 1988
60 REM - by GIA Software
70 REM Extended RAM Banks Memory
80 REM It takes aprox. 30 min.
90 REM
110 DL=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256+4
120 POKE DL-1,​71:​POKE DL+2,​6
130 POSITION 4,​0:​? "ATARI 130 XE"
140 POSITION 21,​0:​? "extended ram tester"
150 POKE 710,​0:​POKE 752,​1:​POKE 82,​1
160 ?:​? "Checking... ( aprox. 30 min. )"
170 ? CHR$(160);"  1 kB - O.K. ";CHR$(248);"  1 kB - Error"
180 ?
190 I=0:​C=0:​E=0
200 FOR BANK=0 TO 3
210 POKE 54017,​BANK*4+193
220 FOR X=16384 TO 32768
230 POKE 77,​0
240 POKE X,​255
250 IF PEEK(X)<>255 THEN I=1
260 C=C+1
270 IF C=1024 THEN GOSUB 500
280 NEXT X
290 ? CHR$(32);16384+(16384*BANK):​?
310 ?:​?:​? "Result :​":​?
320 IF E=0 THEN ? "Extended Memory is O.K.":​END
330 ? "Error in Extended Memory ( ";E;" loc. )":​END
500 IF I=1 THEN ? CHR$(248);CHR$(32);:​E=E+1:​GOTO 2020
510 ? CHR$(160);CHR$(32);
520 I=0:​C=0

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