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Entry name:Shakuhachi Keyboard
Category:Music: Sound
Publisher/Developer:ANALOG Computing, Flop 5

Listing 1
10 REM 20 REM | SHAKUHACHI KEYBOARD | 30 REM 40 REM by Albert Baggetta 50 REM (c) 1987 ANALOG Computing 60 REM (p) 1988 by GIA Software 70 REM program SHAKEY.BAS 80 REM for all ATARI XL/XE 90 REM disk or cassette 100 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 703,4:POKE 752,1:? #6;CHR$(125):SETCOLOR 1,0,0:SETCOLOR 2,0,0:SETCOLOR 4,0,0 110 ? #6:? #6:? #6:? #6 120 ? #6;" ";CHR$(8);CHR$(10) 130 ? #6;" ";CHR$(8);CHR$(7);CHR$(136);CHR$(138) 140 ? #6;" ";CHR$(136) 150 ? #6;" Shakuhachi Keyboard" 160 ? #6:? #6;" ";CHR$(8);CHR$(10) 170 ? #6;" ";CHR$(8);CHR$(7);CHR$(136);CHR$(138) 180 ? #6;" ";CHR$(136) 190 POSITION 0,18:? #6;" JAPANESE SCALE" 200 POSITION 0,19:? #6;" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" 210 FOR I=1 TO 15 220 SETCOLOR 2,1,I:SETCOLOR 4,1,I:SETCOLOR 1,1,15-I:NEXT I 230 X=INT(RND(0)*6)+1 240 ON X GOTO 250,260,270,280,290,300 250 P=162:? "G ";:GOTO 310 260 P=144:? "A ";:GOTO 310 270 P=121:? "C ";:GOTO 310 280 P=108:? "D ";:GOTO 310 290 P=96:? "E ";:GOTO 310 300 P=81:? "G ";:GOTO 310 310 FOR D=0 TO 4 STEP 0.3:SOUND 0,P,10,D:SOUND 1,1,8,1:NEXT D 320 SOUND 0,P,10,D:SOUND 1,1,8,1 330 FOR E=1 TO INT(RND(0)*350):NEXT E 340 SOUND 1,0,0,0:SOUND 0,0,0,0:REM REMOVE REM FOR DELAY BETWEEN NOTES AB=1^1 350 GOTO 230
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