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Entry name:Magicke okenko
Publisher/Developer:Flop 1

Listing 1
1 REM ******************************* 3 REM * MAGIC WINDOW DEMO -TURBOBAS * 5 REM * z casopisu PAGE 6 * 7 REM * Magicke okenko * 8 REM * [ AK Trebic ] * 9 REM ******************************* 10 DIM PM$(1024),B$(38),C$(42),BLANK$(42) 20 EXEC SET_UP 30 FOR I=1 TO 2 40 ? #6;" * PAGE 6 MAGAZINE *"; 50 ? #6;" *...TURBO BASIC...*"; 60 ? #6;" *.MAGICKE OKENKO..*"; 70 ? #6;" *...DEMO...DEMO...*"; 80 ? #6;" *ATARI KLUB TREBIC*"; 90 NEXT I 100 ------------------------------ 110 DO 120 H=1:X=48:X1=44:Y1=536:Y=22 130 PM$(Y,Y+42)=C$:PM$(Y1,Y1+38)=B$ 140 FOR Y=30 TO 174 STEP 8:Y1=Y1+8 150 # HORIZONTAL 160 IF PEEK(53279)<>7 THEN EXEC SLOW 170 X=X+H:X1=X1+H:POKE 53248,X:POKE 53250,X1 180 IF X>220:H=-1:SOUND 0,8,10,4:GO# VERTICAL 190 ENDIF 200 IF X<12:H=1:SOUND 0,16,10,4:GO# VERTICAL 210 ELSE 220 SOUND 0,X,8,2 230 GO# HORIZONTAL 240 ENDIF 250 # VERTICAL 260 PM$(Y,Y+42)=C$:PM$(Y1,Y1+38)=B$ 270 NEXT Y:PM$(Y,Y+42)=BLANK$:PM$(Y1,Y1+38)=BLANK$ 280 LOOP 290 ------------------------------ 300 PROC SLOW 310 SOUND:PAUSE 3 320 ENDPROC 330 ------------------------------ 340 PROC SET_UP 350 GRAPHICS 18:POKE 559,62:I=PEEK(106)-16 360 POKE 704,116:POKE 706,198:POKE 710,0:POKE 712,0:POKE 709,222:POKE 708,0 370 POKE 54279,I:POKE 53277,3:VT=DPEEK(134) 380 AT=DPEEK(140):OFF=I*256+1024-AT:DPOKE VT+2,OFF:POKE 53256,3:POKE 53258,3 390 PM$(1)="":PM$(1024)="":PM$(2)=PM$:BLANK$=PM$ 400 B$="??????????????????????" 410 C$="" 420 Y1=536:Y=22 430 POKE 623,2 440 ENDPROC
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