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Entry name:ERA Show 89
Publisher/Developer:Flop 1

Listing 1
1 REM ******************************* 2 REM ** ERASHOW23 ** 3 REM ******************************* 4 DIM MOVE$(40),BLS$(41),BR$(10):GRAPHICS 8+16:CONSOL=53279 5 MOVE$="hhhhhhh`" 6 BR$="hbL\" 7 GOSUB 3200 11 GOSUB 5105 12 GOSUB 10000 90 POKE 7944,104:P=USR(7944):POKE 7966,0 100 GOTO 5000 3200 REM *** BLS$ *** 3204 BLS$="h0hhBhEhDhIhH V`" 3210 RETURN 5000 POKE 1560,173:POKE 756,92 5035 FOR I=1 TO 2950:IF PEEK(CONSOL)=6 THEN 11000 5036 NEXT I 5040 A=USR(ADR(MOVE$),96*256,33104,7680) 5075 FOR I=1 TO 2850:IF PEEK(CONSOL)=6 THEN 11000 5076 NEXT I 5080 POKE 1560,96:GRAPHICS 1+16 5081 POSITION 3,2:? #6;"TOTO JE UKAZKA" 5082 POSITION 0,3:? #6;"JEDNODUCHEHO SPOJENI" 5083 POSITION 0,5:? #6;"HUDBY: soundmachine" 5084 POSITION 0,7:? #6;"A OBRAZKU:" 5085 POSITION 7,9:? #6;"design master" 5086 POSITION 0,14:? #6;"SESTAVILI CLENOVE" 5087 POSITION 3,17:? #6;"ak val.mezirici a" 5088 POSITION 3,19:? #6;"ak roznov pod.r." 5089 FOR I=1 TO 1400:IF PEEK(CONSOL)=6 THEN 11000 5090 NEXT I:GRAPHICS 8+16 5091 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:ERA.PIC" 5092 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,33104,7680) 5093 POKE 1560,173:POKE 756,92 5094 FOR I=1 TO 3250:IF PEEK(CONSOL)=6 THEN 11000 5095 NEXT I 5097 POKE 1560,96:GRAPHICS 56 5098 FOR I=1 TO 600:IF PEEK(CONSOL)=6 THEN 11000 5099 NEXT I 5100 GOSUB 6000 5103 GOTO 12 5105 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:ERA.MUSSM" 5110 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,7930,10000) 5130 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:FLOP.PIC" 5140 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,96*256,7680) 5150 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:ERA.PIC" 5155 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,33104,7680) 5170 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:CAPEK.FNT" 5180 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,92*256,1024) 5185 POKE 756,92 5190 CLOSE #3:OPEN #3,4,0,"D:STATE" 5195 AA=256*90 5200 X=USR(ADR(BLS$),0,AA+45,188) 5201 FOR I=0 TO 50:POKE AA+I,0:NEXT I 5202 FOR I=0 TO 44:POKE AA+45+188+I,0:NEXT I 5210 RETURN 6000 REM VYP HUDBY 6010 A=USR(ADR(BR$)) 6015 J=8:H=3 6020 FOR I=1 TO 10:SOUND 0,J,J,H:SOUND 1,J,J,H:SOUND 2,J,J,H:SOUND 3,J,J,H:NEXT I:H=H-1:IF H>-1 THEN 6020 6030 RETURN 10000 RESTORE 10004:REM **************************** 10001 FOR I=1536 TO 1643:READ W:POKE I,W:NEXT I 10002 HSCROL=USR(1536) 10003 RETURN 10004 DATA 104,169,19,141,40,2,169,6,141,41,2,169,4,133,208,169,230,133,207,169,1,141,26,2 10005 DATA 96,48,2,133,203,173,49,2,133,204,160,2,177,203,201,112,208,25,56,165,203,105 10006 DATA 2,141,106,6,165,204,105,0,141,107,6,169,100,141,48,2,169,6,141,49,2,198,208 10007 DATA 165,208,141,4,212,208,23,169,4,133,208,141,4,212,238,103,6,198,207,208,9,169 10008 DATA 230,133,207,169,0,141,103,6,96,112,112,82,0,90,1,0,0 11000 GOSUB 6000 11010 POKE 1560,96:GRAPHICS 0 11020 RUN "D:MENU.BAS"
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