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Entry name:A-V-O-I-D
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2016 (NOMAM 2016)

Listing 1
0 GRAPHICS 0:C=0:POKE 752,1:POKE 82,0:WHILE 709,35712:? "A-V-O-I-D!":? "PRESS FIRE":DPOKE STRIG(0):MOVE 1 IF C<1:GRAPHICS 0:WHILE 709,28799:POKE 752,1:S=0:P=19:T=29:C=1:GOTO 1:REPEAT:D=INT(RND(1)*170):POSITION 0,23:UNTIL 2 IF C/3=INT(C/3):? " |o||o|";:REPEAT:? " ||||";:UNTIL:POSITION INT(RND(1)*20)+10,23:? CHR$(80-(D>0)) 3 SOUND 0,(170-P*4),10,10:LOCATE P,0,L:IF L=80 THEN S=15:SOUND 1,60,10,15:FOR R=0 TO 32:NEXT R:SOUND 1,0,0,0 4 C=C+1:IF L=79 THEN SOUND 0,(170-P*4),8,15:FOR R=0 TO 32:NEXT R:SOUND 0,0,0,0:GOTO 8 5 G=G+1:U=24*(S>0)+T*(S<1):FOR R=0 TO U/4:GOSUB 6:NEXT R:S=S-1*(S>0):GOTO 1 6 POSITION P,0:? " ":M= MOD (0):P=P+(M=1 AND P<29)-(M=-1 AND P>10):POSITION P,0:? "V":FOR R=1 TO 7:NEXT R 7 IF (C/40)=INT(C/40):POSITION 0,23:? " |-|--------------------|-|":T=T-0.5:RETURN:REPEAT:RETURN:UNTIL 8 GRAPHICS 0:WHILE 709,12351:? "GAME OVER!":? "SCORE: ";G-22;" NOTES":? "PRESS FIRE":G=0 9 DPOKE STRIG(0):MOVE:FOR R=1 TO 235:NEXT R:GOTO 0
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