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Entry name:Cavern 10
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)
Short description
Cavern 10 is a simplified re-interpretation of Caverns of Mars, created for the "NOMAM Basic Ten-Liners 2014" competition. The entire code, written in the Turbo Basic XL language, is 10 lines long. The entire game takes 100 seconds to complete, and consists entirely of moving your ship left and right, steering it past obstacles and outcroppings in the rocky tunnel so that it reaches the end goal safely. Any collision causes a game over and forces the player to start over. Link to description source
Listing 1
0 MOVE ADR("XZVUUU hUUUwwwwUUU]]UV"P=|PjZVpjV<<hSjVWcZXhZ)*UUp*)%#U@%*6ph18hZa8**)cP)**2H"),$A000,219 1 MOVE ADR("*c(UUVVjVZUUP@UAUU(@PUUVef3Y@?C?#eP%AIKU_i*U=IH @tDDD*&$pqrstsrqJ"),$A0DB,220 2 MOVE ADR("=<<ffo &_ &/ /b/+R4 ./o!?% f'"),$A1B7,220 3 MOVE ADR("!/C"#/ ? $%&"/"/"@9"/"/"/"/"/""zHgL<V P./"O"),$A293,208 4 MOVE ADR("!'(>!*/,&?V%)*+\B$/lJVtP/&3xk/@2/\`j/.Hx/|P9-n("f/B/X</t"),$A363,219 5 MOVE ADR("B/6DJ/Lh7/f|eO,,,-o .///01/ 01,/D01< )./$ DO 2345O 6789/_01"),$A43E,186:I=$A000:O=$4800:WHILE I<$A4F8 6 ? 0;:L=PEEK(I):MO=DPEEK(I+1):R=L DIV 16:M=L&15:I=I+3:IF R=15:R=PEEK(I):I=I+1:ENDIF:IF M=15:M=DPEEK(I):I=I+2:ENDIF:MOVE I,O,R:I=I+R:O=O+R:MOVE O-MO,O,M+4:O=O+M+4:WEND:PAUSE 0:MOVE $4A03,$D400,15 7 MOVE $4A12,$D000,31:DO:V=0:POKE $D01E,0:S=$5000:X=100:SOUND 0,0,10,6:REPEAT:V=V+1:IF V=16:V=0:S=S+32:ENDIF:J=PEEK($D300):X=X+(J=$F7)-(J=$FB):WHILE PEEK($D40B)<82:WEND 8 DPOKE $49D1,S:POKE $D405,V:POKE $D000,X:MOVE $49E3+V,$D200,1:MOVE $49F3+V,$D018,1:UNTIL PEEK($D004) OR PEEK($D00C):IF S>=$76E0:FOR I=0 TO 128:MOVE $4A31+I,$D200,1:WHILE PEEK($D40B)>12:WEND:NEXT I 9 ELSE:SOUND 0,48,0,15:ENDIF:FOR I=0 TO 999:NEXT I:POKE $D000,0:LOOP
Listing downloads
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