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Entry name:Zen3D
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)
Listing 1
10 GRAPHICS 8:COLOR 1:SETCOLOR 2,0,0:POKE 752,1:M=DPEEK(106)-24:F=3:GOSUB 200:REM 15 PRINT "WELCOME GREENLING. USE YOUR SPIRITUAL POWER. RIGHT FOR HIGH TONES OTHERWISE LEFT " 25 P=RAND(2):IF P=1:T=121-RAND(100):ELSE:T=121+RAND(100):ENDIF:PAUSE 40:SOUND 0,T,10,1:PAUSE 40:SOUND 0,0,0,0 40 J=STICK(0):K=((J EXOR 15)&12)/4:IF K=0 THEN 40 50 IF K=P+1:PRINT "FINE, GREENLING":ELSE:? "DON'T WORRY,BE PATIENT AND TRY AGAIN":Z=Z+1:ENDIF:IF Z=3:GOTO 95:ENDIF:GOTO 25 95 GRAPHICS 8:SETCOLOR 1,0,0:SETCOLOR 2,0,0:F=12:RESTORE:GOSUB 200:SETCOLOR 2,0,15:FOR I=0 TO 3:SOUND I,120+10*I,10,15:NEXT I 96 ? "DON'T BE SCARED!":? " TRY AGAIN...":?:PAUSE 500:RUN 100 DATA 1,1,13,2,3,7,2,5,6,2,7,9,2,9,6,2,11,7,2,13,13,1,7,3,2,7,4,3,7,3.2,2.3,3,3,6,3,0.4,0.2,3,8,3,0.4,0.2,0,0,0 200 READ B,X,Y:X=X*F:Y=Y*F:IF B=1:PLOT X,Y:ENDIF:IF B=2:DRAWTO X,Y:ENDIF:IF B=3:READ S,T:S=S*F:T=T*F:CIRCLE X,Y,S,T:ENDIF 225 IF B<>0:GOTO 200:ENDIF:RETURN
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