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Entry name:Planets
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014), New Breed Software
Short description
There are two planets on the screen, with a random size and position. Each player uses a joystick to control a cannon on the surface of his planet. The cannon can be moved along the surface of the planet, and a missile can be launched with the "fire" key. Missiles are affected by gravitational pull as they fly. A missile digs a hole in the planet when it strikes. The cannons cannot be moved over a hole in the planet's surface. A player wins if he destroys his opponent's planet by managing to fire a missile into its center. Link to description source
Listing 1
0 REM S."D:PLANETS.TBS":RUN 10 DEG:GRAPHICS 23:DIM X(2),Y(2),R(2),A(2),B(2),BX(2),BY(2),BXM(2),BYM(2),CS(36),SN(36):FOR I=0 TO 1:X(I)=ABS(160*I-30-RAND(20)) 20 Y(I)=28+RAND(40):R(I)=15+RAND(10):COLOR I+1:CIRCLE X(I),Y(I),R(I):PAINT X(I),Y(I):B(I)=0:A(I)=I*18:NEXT I 30 FOR I=0 TO 35:CS(I)=COS(I*10):SN(I)=SIN(I*10):NEXT I 100 TRAP 100:FOR I=0 TO 1:CR=0:GOSUB 1000:Q=OA:S=STICK(I)*STRIG(I):IF S=11:A(I)=(A(I)+1) MOD 36:ENDIF:IF S=7 THEN A(I)=(A(I)+35) MOD 36 105 CR=I+1:GOSUB 1000:LOCATE X-XM,Y-YM,C:IF C=0:A(I)=Q:ENDIF:IF S+B(I)=0 THEN B(I)=100:BX(I)=X:BY(I)=Y:BXM(I)=XM:BYM(I)=YM 110 IF B(I):B(I)=B(I)-1:COLOR 0:PLOT BX(I),BY(I):BX(I)=BX(I)+BXM(I):BY(I)=BY(I)+BYM(I):BX=BX(I):BY=BY(I):LOCATE BX,BY,C:IF C 120 B(I)=0:FOR J=0 TO 5:CIRCLE BX,BY,J:NEXT J:GOSUB 4000:ENDIF:IF B(I):COLOR I+1:PLOT BX,BY:GOSUB 3000:ENDIF:ENDIF:NEXT I:GOTO 100 1000 COLOR CR:OA=A(I):XM=CS(OA):YM=-SN(OA):R=R(I)+2:X=X(I)+XM*R:Y=Y(I)+YM*R:PLOT X,Y:XM=XM*3:YM=YM*3:RETURN 3000 FOR J=0 TO 1:BXM(I)=BXM(I)-(BX(I)-X(J))/(500-R(J)):BYM(I)=BYM(I)-(BY(I)-Y(J))/(500-R(J)):NEXT J:RETURN 4000 PLOT BX,BY:FOR J=0 TO 1:IF ABS(BX-X(J))+ABS(BY-Y(J))<=5:FOR Z=0 TO 255:POKE 708+J,255-Z:SOUND 0,Z,4,Z/16:NEXT Z:RUN:ENDIF:NEXT J:RETURN
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