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Entry name:Minimalist Guaton
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)
Listing 1
0 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 752,1:POKE 710,0:V=3:? "**********************":FOR U=1 TO 18:IF (U MOD 2=0) OR U=1:? "*....................*":ELSE:? "*..**..**..**..**....*":ENDIF:NEXT U:? "**********************" 1 REM TODO: Special Character Set :( 2 POSITION 26,8:? "lives: ";V:IF V=0:GOTO 2:ENDIF:POSITION FX,FY:? " ":FX=4:FY=5:I=11:J=10:LOCATE FX,FY,L:IF L=46:P=1:ENDIF:POSITION 26,4:? "Minimalist":POSITION 26,5:? "Guaton":POSITION 26,7:? "Score: ";F 3 POSITION I,J:? "O":IF FX=I AND FY=J:V=V-1:X=0:GOTO 2:ENDIF:IF F=295:POSITION 27,15:? " YOU WON! ":GOTO 3:ENDIF:IF X=0:GOTO 12:ENDIF:IF X>0 AND X<7:RETURN:ENDIF 6 S1=STICK(0):IF S1=15:GOTO 8:ENDIF:S=S1:IF S<>7 AND S<>11 AND S<>13 AND S<>14:GOTO 3:ENDIF 8 I1=(S=7)-(S=11):J1=(S=13)-(S=14):POSITION I,J:? " ":LOCATE I+I1,J+J1,L:IF L=42:I1=0:J1=0:GOTO 3:ENDIF:IF L=46:F=F+1:POSITION 33,7:? F:ENDIF:I=I+I1:J=J+J1:GOTO 3 12 H=INT(RND*5)+1:IF ABS(H-W)=1 AND H+W<>5:GOTO 12:ENDIF:W=H:IF W=5 OR (ABS(FX-I)<5 AND ABS(FY-J)<5):GOTO 23:ENDIF:L=6:FX1=(W=2)-(W=1):FY1=(W=4)-(W=3) 15 FOR X=1 TO L:POSITION FX,FY:? "#":IF FX=I AND FY=J:V=V-1:X=0:GOTO 2:ENDIF:GOSUB 6:POSITION FX,FY:? " ":IF LF=46 OR P:POSITION FX,FY:? ".":P=1:ENDIF:LOCATE FX+FX1,FY+FY1,LF 16 IF LF=42:GOTO 12:ENDIF:IF LF=32:P=0:ENDIF:FX=FX+FX1:FY=FY+FY1:NEXT X:GOTO 12 23 L=1:FX1=(FX<I AND (J1 OR I1=-1))-(FX>I AND (J1 OR I1=+1)):FY1=(FY<J AND (I1 OR J1=-1))-(FY>J AND (I1 OR J1=+1)):IF SI<>I AND SJ<>J:SI=I:SJ=J:GOTO 15:ENDIF:FX1=(FX<I)-(FX>I):IF FX1=0:FY1=(FY<J)-(FY>J):ENDIF:GOTO 15
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