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Entry name:Minijong
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014), New Breed Software
Listing 1
0 REM S."D:MINIJONG.TBS":RUN 10 GRAPHICS 2:CH=PEEK(106)-16:POKE 756,CH:CH=CH*256:POKE 559,0:FOR I=0 TO 7:POKE CH+I,85+(85*(I MOD 2)):NEXT I:POKE 711,15:FOR I=8 TO 240 20 POKE CH+I,127-PEEK(57600+I):NEXT I:SC=DPEEK(88):L=83:DIM B(196),C(L),SZ(2):FOR I=0 TO L-1:C(I)=INT(I/4)+1:NEXT I:X1=-1 30 FOR Z=0 TO 2:FOR Y=Z TO 6-Z:FOR X=Z TO 6-Z:R=RAND(L):C=C(R):C(R)=C(L-1):L=L-1:B(Z*49+Y*7+X)=C:NEXT X:NEXT Y:NEXT Z 40 FOR Z=0 TO 2:FOR Y=Z TO 6-Z:FOR X=Z TO 6-Z:POKE SC+Y*20+X+42,B(Z*49+Y*7+X)+Z*64:NEXT X:NEXT Y:POKE 708+Z,(Z+1)*69:NEXT Z:POKE 559,34 50 SZ=SC+(Y+2)*20+(X+2):CC=PEEK(SZ):POKE SZ,192:S=STICK(0):IF S=7:X=(X+1) MOD 7:ENDIF:IF S=11:X=(X+6) MOD 7:ENDIF 60 IF S=13:Y=(Y+1) MOD 7:ENDIF:IF S=14:Y=(Y+6) MOD 7:ENDIF:PAUSE 2:POKE SZ,CC:PAUSE 2:C(P)=CC:C2=CC&192:Z=C2/64 70 IF STRIG(0)=0 AND CC:IF P=1 AND SZ=SZ(0):POKE SZ,C(0):P=0:ELSE:IF P=1:POKE SZ(0),C(0):ENDIF 80 Q=PEEK(SZ-1):R=PEEK(SZ+1):IF (Q=0 OR Q&192<C2 OR R=0 OR R&192<C2) AND (P=0 OR CC&63=PEEK(SZ(0))&63):SZ(P)=SZ:P=P+1 90 IF P=2:FOR I=0 TO 1:IF C(I)&192=0:POKE SZ(I),0:ELSE:Z=(C(I)&192)/64-1:POKE SZ(I),B(Z*49+Y*7+X)+Z*64:ENDIF 100 NEXT I:P=0:ENDIF:ELSE:? "":ENDIF:PAUSE 4:IF P=1:POKE SZ(0),(C(0)&63)+192:ENDIF:ENDIF:ENDIF:GOTO 50
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