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Entry name:Jump, Sheep
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)

Listing 1
0 POKE 752,1:? "JUMP,SHEEP! HOW FAR CAN YOU GET? PRESSFIRE TO LET SHEEP JUMP OVER FENCES ANDPONDS! GOOD LUCK!":PAUSE 250 1 A=PEEK(106)-4:POKE 106,A:GRAPHICS 29:POKE 756,A:A=A*256:MOVE 57344,A,1024:FOR I=24 TO 55:READ D:POKE I+A,D:NEXT I 2 DATA 0,0,21,213,213,21,51,51,0,60,95,95,95,80,48,48,0,0,0,51,255,51,255,51,0,0,40,170,170,170,40,0 3 POKE 87,0:POKE 703,24:Y=5:T=0:Z=0:D=0:POKE 708,15:POKE 709,132:POKE 710,0:POKE 711,226:POKE 712,198:POKE 82,0:POKE 756,A/256 4 IF Z=0:IF RAND(10)>4:POSITION 38,5:? CHR$(165+RAND(2)):Z=10:ENDIF:ELSE:Z=Z-%1:ENDIF 5 SOUND 0,240,10,15:PAUSE 0:SOUND 0,200,10,0:SOUND 1,150,0,5:POSITION 5,Y:? " ":POSITION 2,5:? "":D=D+1:LOCATE 6,Y,X:X=X&127:IF X<>32 THEN GOTO 9 6 IF (STRIG(0)=0 AND T=0) THEN Y=4:T=5:SOUND 0,150,10,15:SOUND 1,0,0,0 7 POSITION 5,Y:? "#$" 8 IF T>0:T=T-1:IF T=0:POSITION 5,Y:? " ":LOCATE 5,5,X:X=X&127:IF X<>32:GOTO 9:ELSE:Y=5:POSITION 5,Y:? "#$":ENDIF:ENDIF:ENDIF:GOTO 4 9 SOUND 1,150,8,15:PAUSE 25:SOUND:GRAPHICS 0:POKE 752,1:SOUND:? "DISTANCE: ";D;"m.":PAUSE 150:GRAPHICS 29:GOTO 3
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