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Entry name:Joyas
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)

Listing 1
0 MOVE $E000,$BC00,512:MOVE ADR("8DTD88||8||||||8||8(T(T("),$BC08,64 1 DIM B$(192),K$(6):GRAPHICS 18:POKE 756,188:POKE 559,33:S=ADR(B$)+19:K$="C":E=DPEEK(88):N=S+15:S1=E+3:D=S-3:R=15:C=S-S1 2 FOR I=0 TO 4:B$(17+I*32)="@@@AA@":NEXT I:? #6,,"jOyAs",,," ",,,"hi score:";H:GET K 3 MOVE D,E,160:P=INSTR(B$,"",19):IF P:P=P+ADR(B$)-1:WHILE P>N:A=P-16:MOVE A,P,1:P=A:WEND:MOVE ADR(K$)+RAND(6),P,1:GOTO 3:ENDIF 4 Q=0:A=S1:F=S1+151:WHILE A<F:B=A+9:FOR X=A TO B:P=PEEK(X):IF P*257=DPEEK(X+1):Y=X+C:DPOKE Y,$0808:POKE Y+2,8:Q=Q+1:ENDIF 5 IF P=PEEK(X+16) AND P=PEEK(X+32):Y=X+C:POKE Y,8:POKE Y+16,8:POKE Y+32,8:Q=Q+1:ENDIF:NEXT X:A=A+16:WEND:IF Q:T=T+Q*Q:MOVE D,E,160 6 FOR I=0 TO 3:SOUND 1,80,0,10-I*3:MOVE I*8+ADR("8T8$@DB"),$BC40,8:PAUSE 4:NEXT I:GOTO 3:ENDIF 7 POSITION 18,8:? #6;"score ";T;"/";R,:SOUND:IF R<1:IF H<T:H=T:ENDIF:R=15:MOVE E,E+1,160:POSITION 0,0:GOTO 2:ENDIF 8 POKE L+S1,1:PAUSE 1:MOVE L+S,L+S1,1:PAUSE 1:X=STICK(0):X=(X=7)-(X=11)+16*((X=13)-(X=14))+L:IF X=L OR PEEK(X+S)&63<2:GOTO 8:ENDIF 9 IF STRIG(0):L=X:GOTO 8:ENDIF:MOVE X+S1,L+S,1:MOVE L+S1,X+S,1:R=R-1:SOUND 0,100,10,10:PAUSE 2:SOUND:GOTO 3
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