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Entry name:Fuky Bird
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2014 (NOMAM 2014)
Listing 1
1 GRAPHICS 24:GRAPHICS 19:L=23:A=PEEK(106)-20:H=53248:POKE 54279,A:M=256*A:POKE 559,46:POKE 53277,3:DATA 6,MBKHOHPIOPIB,6,MBKHOIPHODIB 2 FOR I=M-512 TO M-512+128:POKE I,255:POKE I+128+16,255:NEXT I:POKE 623,8:I=M:DIM G$(80):P=53768:U=128:I=M+134:FOR K=0 TO 1:READ Z,G$ 3 FOR J=1 TO Z:POKE I+J,ASC(G$(J+J-1,J+J-1))-65+(ASC(G$(J+J,J+J))-65)*16:NEXT J:I=I+58:NEXT K:POKE 704,220:FOR I=1 TO 3:POKE 704+I,182 4 POKE $D008+I,1:POKE H+I,I*85:NEXT I:POKE H,120:POKE $D01E,0:V=0:U=1:COLOR 2:FOR I=0 TO L:PLOT 0,I:DRAWTO 7+(I=L)*30,I:PLOT 32,I:DRAWTO 39,I 5 NEXT I:COLOR 3:PAINT 25,15:Y=48:R=$F000:X=9:P=-1:S=M+640+256+16:POKE H+3,30:POKE 707,15:MD=M+496:MQ=M+108 6 POKE H+1,X&127+64:POKE H+2,(X+64)&127+64:Y=Y+V:IF PEEK($D00C)>0 OR PEEK($D004)&11>0 THEN COLOR 1:TEXT 10,15,(P+1)/2:PAUSE P*10:RUN 7 IF Y>0 THEN MOVE MQ+T*58,MD+Y,58:T=STRIG(0):IF T=0 AND U<>T THEN Q=10:V=V-0.8:IF V>-0.8 THEN V=-0.8 8 V=V+0.04:X=X-0.5:U=T:IF (X=128) THEN R=R+1:MOVE M-512+128-PEEK(R)/4,M+640+16,96:P=P+2:POKE S+P&127,P&128+3 9 IF (X<64) THEN X=192:R=R+1:MOVE M-512+120-PEEK(R)/4,M+784,96:P=P+2:POKE S+P&127,P&128+3 10 SOUND 0,2,8,Q:Q=Q-(Q>0):GOTO 6
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