Random demo
Random software
Random software
Dodge Racer Dodge Racer Dodge Racer Dodge Racer Dodge Racer
Listing 1
0 D=1:​W=0:​F=1:​P=0:​H=0:​DIM G$(44),​J$(7),​Q$(7),​U$(18):​G$="DODGE RACER (PRESS FIRE)":​J$="SCORE:​ ":​Q$=" HIGH:​ "
1 GRAPHICS 7:​C=80:​V=66:​X=80:​Y=66:​COLOR 1:​PLOT 3,​70:​DRAWTO 155,​70:​DRAWTO 155,​33:​DRAWTO 112,​33:​DRAWTO 112,​4:​DRAWTO 3,​4:​DRAWTO 3,​70:​PLOT 18,​55:​DRAWTO 140,​55
2 DRAWTO 140,​48:​DRAWTO 97,​48:​DRAWTO 97,​19:​DRAWTO 18,​19:​DRAWTO 18,​55:​COLOR 2:​PAINT 0,​0:​SOUND:​POKE 752,​1:​? G$:​? J$;P:​? Q$;H:​PAINT 19,​20:​GOTO 4
3 V=40:​CIRCLE 45,​36,​20:​CIRCLE 45,​36,​35:​CIRCLE 113,​36,​20:​CIRCLE 113,​36,​35:​COLOR 0:​PLOT 79,​29:​DRAWTO 79,​43:​SOUND:​COLOR 2:​PAINT 0,​0:​PAINT 45,​35:​PAINT 113,​35
4 T=STRIG(0):​IF T=0:​SOUND 0,​60,​2,​2:​POKE 77,​0:​I=0:​N=1:​GOTO 5:​ENDIF:​U$="WELCOME TO LEVEL 2":​COLOR 3:​PLOT 1,​41:​PLOT 2,​41:​GOTO 4
5 S=STICK(0):​IF S=7:​D=1:​ENDIF:​IF S=11:​D=2:​ENDIF:​IF S=14:​D=3:​ENDIF:​IF S=13:​D=4:​ENDIF:​IF D=1:​X=X+1:​ENDIF:​IF D=2:​X=X-1:​ENDIF
6 IF D=3:​Y=Y-1:​ENDIF:​IF D=4:​Y=Y+1:​ENDIF:​LOCATE X,​Y,​W:​A=RAND(155):​B=RAND(70):​IF Y=41 AND X<40 AND I=1:​I=0:​P=P+(100*N)
7 N=N+1:​SOUND 1,​0,​2,​5:​ENDIF:​IF Y=33 AND X>97:​I=1:​ENDIF:​LOCATE A,​B,​L:​IF L=0 AND F>10:​COLOR 1:​PLOT A,​B:​SOUND 1,​50,​4,​4:​F=1:​P=P+N:​CLS:​? P
8 IF P>=H:​H=P:​ENDIF:​SOUND 1,​0,​0,​0:​ENDIF:​IF W=1:​GOTO 9:​ENDIF:​IF F=0:​P=0:​ENDIF:​COLOR 2:​PLOT X,​Y:​COLOR 0:​PLOT C,​V:​C=X:​V=Y:​F=F+1:​GOTO 5
9 SOUND 0,​20,​0,​6:​F=0:​D=1:​W=0:​G$="GAME OVER":​COLOR 1:​IF P>999:​GRAPHICS 7:​POKE 752,​1:​? U$:​? J$;P:​? Q$;H:​X=68:​C=68:​Y=40:​GOTO 3:​ENDIF:​GOTO 1	

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