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Entry name:Perfect Pitch
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2013 (NOMAM 2013)
![Perfect Pitch](img/listings/p/perfect-pitch_bas.png)
![Perfect Pitch](img/listings/p/perfect-pitch_1_bas.png)
![Perfect Pitch](img/listings/p/perfect-pitch_2_bas.png)
![Perfect Pitch](img/listings/p/perfect-pitch_3_bas.png)
Listing 1
1 DIM P(4),X(4),S(4):FOR I=0 TO 3:P(I)=0:X(I)=0:S(I)=0:NEXT I:Z=INT(RND(0)*228)+1:GRAPHICS 17:POSITION 5,7:SOUND 0,Z,10,10:? #6;"LISTEN AND" 2 POSITION 6,9:? #6;"REMEMBER ":FOR I=1 TO 500:NEXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0:GRAPHICS 17:POSITION 6,7:? #6;"AND NOW":POSITION 3,9:? #6;"USE THE PADDLE":POSITION 6,11 3 ? #6;"TO FIND":POSITION 3,13:? #6;"THE RIGHT TONE":FOR I=1 TO 900:NEXT I:GRAPHICS 17:POSITION 1,7:? #6;"THEN PRESS TRIGGER" 4 FOR I=0 TO 3:P(I)=PADDLE(I):X(I)=(X(I)>0)*X(I)+(X(I)=0)*(PTRIG(I)=0)*P(I):POSITION 5,15:? #6;X(0);" ";X(1);" ";X(2);" ";X(3) 5 FOR R=0 TO 3:SOUND R,P(R),10,10:NEXT R:NEXT I:IF X(0)>0 AND X(1)>0 AND X(2)>0 AND X(3)>0 THEN 7 6 GOTO 4 7 FOR R=0 TO 3:S(R)=ABS(X(R)-Z):NEXT R:GRAPHICS 1:? #6;"RIGHT TONE WAS ";Z;" AND THE WINNER IS:":POKE 752,1 8 FOR I=0 TO 3:IF (S(0)>=S(I))+(S(1)>=S(I))+(S(2)>=S(I))+(S(3)>=S(I))=4 THEN F=(I=0)*5+(I=1)*8+(I=2)*12+(I=3)*2:I=4 9 NEXT I:SETCOLOR 4,F,2:FOR R=0 TO 3:?:? "PLAYER ";R+1;":DIFFERENCE TO ";Z;": ";S(R);:NEXT R 10 FOR I=0 TO 3:SOUND I,0,0,0:NEXT I:GOTO 10:REM
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