Random software
Random game
Random demo
Box1ng Box1ng Box1ng Box1ng
Listing 1
1 RESTORE:​GRAPHICS 10:​DIM A$(120):​A=ADR(A$):​POKE 712,​58:​POKE 711,​50:​POKE 704,​0:​POKE 705,​98:​P=60:​Q=60:​FOR S=1 TO 8:​READ C,​D,​Z,​N,​A$
2 J=A:​FOR Y=Z TO Z+N-1:​X=PEEK(J)-48:​W=PEEK(J+1)-48:​COLOR C:​PLOT X,​Y*2:​DRAWTO W,​Y*2:​COLOR D:​PLOT 77-X,​Y*2:​DRAWTO 77-W,​Y*2:​J=J+2:​NEXT Y:​NEXT S
3 S=STICK(0):​T=STICK(1):​S=4+(S>8)*4+(S>12)*4:​T=4+(T>8)*4+(T>12)*4:​POKE 706,​(S=8)*50+((T=8) AND (S<>8))*98:​REM BY 1NG
4 POKE 710,​(T=4)*98+((S=4) AND (T<>4))*50:​POKE 707,​(T=8)*58:​POKE 709,​(S=4)*58:​POKE 708,​((S=4) OR (T=8))*58:​COLOR 7
5 SOUND 0,​80+((S=8) OR (T=4))*99,​0,​((S=4) OR (T=8))*15*(P>0 AND Q>0):​PLOT 0,​0:​DRAWTO 0,​P*(P>0):​COLOR 0:​DRAWTO 0,​99:​COLOR 1:​PLOT 79,​0:​IF P<0 OR Q<0 THEN 5
6 DRAWTO 79,​Q:​COLOR 0:​DRAWTO 79,​99:​P=P+(S=12)*0.8-(S=4)-6*((S<>8) AND (T=8))-0.2:​Q=Q+(T=12)*0.8-(T=8)-6*((T<>4) AND (S=4))-0.2:​GOTO 3
8 DATA 3,​5,​16,​7,​OQOROTNTNUOUQS,​4,​4,​21,​9,​UVSVRVSVSVTVTVUVUV,​7,​1,​41,​24,​<G<H<H;H;H;H;H;H;H;H;H:​I:​I:​I:​I:​J:​J:​K:​K:​L:​L:​K>H@E
9 DATA 5,​3,​22,​9,​OQLRMSMSMTMTMUMUMT,​8,​8,​62,​34,​KL:​>:​@:​@:​@:​@:​@:​?:​?:​?:​?9>9>9=8=8=7<7<6<6;6;5:​5:​5:​59594949484848484747

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