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Entry name:F*ck-Man
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2015 (NOMAM 2015)
Listing 1
0 GRAPHICS 14:POKE 559,0:POKE 710,0:SETCOLOR 0,14,10:COLOR 1:CIRCLE 80,90,40,70:PAINT 80,22:COLOR 2:PLOT 112,50:DRAWTO 80,90:DRAWTO 115,120:PAINT 99,99:POKE 82,0 1 CIRCLE 90,50,5,8:PAINT 90,50:COLOR 1:TEXT 9,0,"F * C K M A N":POKE 752,1:?:? " COLLECT DOTS, AVOID HOLES":POKE 0,0:POKE 559,34 2 FOR Z=1 TO 3:RESTORE 5:REPEAT:READ T:SOUND 0,T,10,15:PAUSE 5:UNTIL T=0:SOUND:PAUSE 9:NEXT Z:REPEAT:UNTIL STRIG(0)=0:POKE 106,187:GRAPHICS 0 3 MOVE 57344,48128,1024:POKE 756,188:FOR M=0 TO 7:READ V,W:POKE 48192+M,V:POKE 48240+M,W:NEXT M:POKE 710,0:POKE 82,9:POKE 752,1 4 CLS:FOR F=1 TO 15:FOR I=1 TO 21:? #6;".";:NEXT I:?:NEXT F:CLR:HI=PEEK(0):POSITION 14,18:? "( F*CK-MAN (":FOR F=1 TO 16:A=RAND(20)+9:B=RAND(15) 5 POSITION A,B:? " ":NEXT F:X=A:Y=B:DATA 126,63,84,100,63,84,94,0,0,0,62,0,108,0,120,24,112,24,120,0,62,0,0,0 6 DO:Z=Z+0.2:P=(Q-Z):POSITION X,Y:? "(":M=X:N=Y:S=STICK(0):IF Z>=200 OR P<-20:P=-20:EXIT:ENDIF:POSITION 5,20:? "SCORE: ";INT(P);" " 7 POSITION 25,20:? "HISCORE:";HI:X=X-(S=11)+(S=7):Y=Y+(S=13)-(S=14):PAUSE 2:IF X<9 OR X>29 OR Y<0 OR Y>14:EXIT:ENDIF 8 LOCATE X,Y,H:IF CHR$(H)=" ":EXIT:ENDIF:POSITION M,N:? " ":IF CHR$(H)<>".":GOTO 6:ENDIF:FOR U=0 TO 3:SOUND U,99,9,9:NEXT U:SOUND:Q=Q+1:LOOP 9 COLOR 40:TEXT 4,0,"GAME":TEXT 4,8,"OVER":SC=INT(P):IF SC>HI:HI=INT(SC):ENDIF:POSITION 33,20:? HI:POKE 0,HI:REPEAT:UNTIL STRIG(0)=0:GOTO 4
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