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Entry name:Simon
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2015 (NOMAM 2015)
Listing 1
10 DIM A(4),B(4):A(1)=0:A(2)=10:A(3)=10:A(4)=19:B(1)=5:B(2)=0:B(3)=10:B(4)=5:DIM C$(4):C$="Xx":DIM D(10),F(10) 20 DIM E(14):E(11)=1:E(14)=2:E(13)=3:E(7)=4:DIM H(4):H(1)=115:H(2)=95:H(3)=75:H(4)=55:FOR R=1 TO 10:GRAPHICS 18 30 ? #6;"ROUND:";R:FOR Z=1 TO 10:D(Z)=0:F(Z)=0:NEXT Z:FOR G=1 TO R:S=INT(RND(0)*4)+1:D(G)=S:POSITION A(S),B(S) 40 ? #6;C$(S,S):SOUND 0,H(S),10,4:FOR D=1 TO 500:NEXT D:SOUND 0,0,0,0:POSITION A(S),B(S):? #6;" ":NEXT G 50 POSITION 6,5:? #6;"your go!":FOR G=1 TO R 60 Y=STICK(0):IF Y=15 THEN GOTO 60 70 F(G)=E(Y):IF D(G)<>F(G) THEN POSITION 0,5:? #6;"wrong ! game over !":FOR Z=1 TO 2500:NEXT Z:RUN 80 W=Y:POSITION A(E(Y)),B(E(Y)):? #6;C$(E(Y),E(Y)):SOUND 0,H(E(Y)),10,4:Y=STICK(0):IF Y<>15 THEN GOTO 80 90 SOUND 0,0,0,0:POSITION A(E(W)),B(E(W)):? #6;" ":NEXT G:NEXT R 100 GRAPHICS 2:POSITION 0,5:? #6;"CONGRATULATIONS !!!":FOR Z=1 TO 2500:NEXT Z
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