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Entry name:Re-Action
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2015 (NOMAM 2015)
Listing 1
10 DIM C$(4):C$="Oo":GRAPHICS 2+16:SETCOLOR 0,3,5:SETCOLOR 1,12,5:SETCOLOR 2,7,4:SETCOLOR 3,13,8:GOTO 90 20 L=1:SC=0:SP=40:POSITION 9,0:? #6;"O":POSITION 0,4:? #6;"o":POSITION 18,4:? #6;"":POSITION 9,8:? #6;"" 30 L=L-1:IF L=0 THEN C=INT(RND(0)*4)+1:L=SP:POSITION 9,4:? #6;C$(C,C):SP=SP-1:IF SP=0 THEN GOTO 90 40 J=STICK(0):J1=1:IF J<>14 THEN J1=2:IF J<>11 THEN J1=3:IF J<>7 THEN J1=4:IF J<>13 THEN J1=0 50 SOUND 0,0,0,0:J=J1:IF J1=0 THEN SOUND 0,91,12,15:SC=SC-1:GOTO 80 60 IF C$(J,J)=C$(C,C) THEN SOUND 0,121,5,15:SC=SC+1 70 IF C$(J,J)<>C$(C,C) THEN SOUND 0,91,12,15:SC=SC-1 80 POSITION 2,9:? #6;SC;" ";:GOTO 30 90 POSITION 0,10:? #6;""; 100 SOUND 0,0,0,0:ON (1-STRIG(0))+1 GOTO 90,20
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