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Entry name:Apple Max
Publisher/Developer:BASIC 10-liner Contest 2015 (NOMAM 2015)

Listing 1
0 DIM S(45),Q$(1):X=0:Y=1:A=2:L=3:J=4:S(X)=80:S(Y)=80:S(A)=0:S(L)=30:C=10:O=-9999:N=2.7:B=58.31:DEG 1 V=0:W=0:M=1:GRAPHICS 7:SETCOLOR 0,1,4:SETCOLOR 1,12,14:SETCOLOR 2,11,4:COLOR 2:CIRCLE C,C,C:PAINT C,C:? "" 2 IF O>-9999:? "Hi(";E;",";G;",";K;")";O,;:ENDIF:INPUT "D,F,R? ",D,F,R:IF D<1 OR D>8 OR F<50 OR F>68 OR R<1 OR R>4 THEN M=0 3 IF M=0:? "";:GOTO 1:ELSE:GOSUB 5:GOSUB 9:ENDIF:U=W*8*R^N/32 DIV 1:V=V DIV 1:? "sunin=";Q;", leafg=";U;", brang=";V 4 Z=Q-U-V:? " ";Z;:IF Z>=0:? " apples";:ELSE:? ", failed";:ENDIF:IF Z>O:E=D:G=F:K=R:O=Z:ENDIF:? ,"Replay";:INPUT Q$:CLS:GOTO 1 5 IF D>0:COLOR 1:PLOT S(X),S(Y):S(X+5)=S(X)+S(L)*SIN(S(A)):S(Y+5)=S(Y)-S(L)*COS(S(A)):DRAWTO S(X+5),S(Y+5):V=V+2*S(L) 6 W=W+1:H=S(X+5)+((R+1)*SIN(S(A))):I=S(Y+5)-((R+1)*COS(S(A))):COLOR 2:PLOT H,I:T=1:WHILE T<R:CIRCLE H,I,T:T=T+1:WEND:COLOR 3 7 CIRCLE H,I,R:COLOR 1:S(J)=0:WHILE S(J)<2:S(A+5)=S(A)-B+(2*B*S(J)):S(L+5)=S(L)*F/100:X=X+5:Y=Y+5:A=A+5:L=L+5:J=J+5 8 D=D-1:GOSUB 5:D=D+1:X=X-5:Y=Y-5:A=A-5:L=L-5:J=J-5:S(J)=S(J)+1:WEND:ENDIF:RETURN 9 ? "Scanning";:Q=0:FOR I=0 TO 76:IF I MOD 8=0:? ".";:ENDIF:FOR H=81 TO 140:LOCATE H,I,P:IF P=3:Q=Q+2:ENDIF:NEXT H:NEXT I:POKE 657,2:RETURN
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