Random demo
Random demo
Random game
Mini-Breakout Mini-Breakout Mini-Breakout Mini-Breakout
Listing 1
10 B=48128:​POKE 106,​188:​-MOVE 57344,​B,​1024:​FOR A=1 TO 6:​POKE 48360+A,​254:​NEXT A
20 X=8:​Y=22:​SC=0:​X2=10:​Y2=21:​DX=1:​DY=-1:​DIM ARR(11):​ARR(7)=1:​ARR(11)=-1:​NL=5:​NB=0:​GRAPHICS 17:​POKE 756,​188
30 FOR A=0 TO 19:​FOR B=2 TO 10 STEP 2:​POSITION A,​B:​? #6;"=":​POSITION A,​B+1:​? #6;"":​NB=NB+2:​NEXT B:​NEXT A
40 POSITION X,​Y:​? #6;"\___/":​LOCATE X2,​Y2,​A:​IF A<>32 THEN DY=DY*-1:​POSITION X2,​Y2:​? #6;" ":​IF Y2<21 THEN NB=NB-1
50 IF A<>32 THEN SC=SC+10:​SOUND 0,​100,​10,​10:​PAUSE 5:​DSOUND:​IF A=92 OR A=47 THEN Y2=Y2-1
60 POSITION X2,​Y2:​? #6;"":​X3=X2:​Y3=Y2:​X2=X2+DX:​Y2=Y2+DY:​IF X2>18 OR X2<1 THEN DX=DX*-1
70 IF Y2>22 THEN NL=NL-1:​DY=DY*-1:​IF NL<1 THEN POSITION 0,​0:​? #6;"":​PAUSE 250:​END
80 IF Y2<3:​DY=DY*-1:​ENDIF:​ST=STICK(0):​IF ST=11 OR ST=7 THEN POSITION X,​Y:​? #6;" ":​X=X+ARR(ST)
90 IF X<0 OR X>15:​X=X-SGN(X):​ENDIF
100 PAUSE 1:​POSITION 0,​0:​? #6;"score:​";SC;" lives:​";NL:​POSITION X3,​Y3:​? #6;" ":​GOTO 40	

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