Random game
Random game
Random game
Magic Cards Magic Cards Magic Cards Magic Cards
Listing 1
0 C=0:​P=5:​GRAPHICS 0:​POKE 48163,​64+7:​POKE 48166,​6:​POKE 48185,​48:​EXEC T:​POSITION 4,​6
1 ? "Think of a number from 1 to 31 and press any key to continue";:​GET K
2 FOR Z=0 TO 4:​EXEC T:​P=P+1:​FOR I=1 TO 2:​POSITION 3,​P:​FOR J=1 TO 8:​READ A
3 IF (A>=1 AND A<=9):​? " ";A;:​ELSE:​PRINT " ";A;:​ENDIF:​NEXT J:​P=P+3:​NEXT I
4 POSITION 5,​20:​PRINT "THE NUMBER IS THERE (/):​";:​GET K:​IF K=89 OR K=121:​C=C+2^Z:​ENDIF
6 POSITION 10,​20:​PRINT "Play again (/):​";:​GET K:​IF K=89 OR K=121:​RUN:​ELSE:​GRAPHICS 0:​NEW:​ENDIF
7 PROC T:​CLS:​? " * MaC CaS *":​ENDPROC:​DATA 1,​3,​5,​7,​9,​11,​13,​15,​17,​19,​21,​23,​25,​27,​29,​31
8 DATA 2,​3,​6,​7,​10,​11,​14,​15,​18,​19,​22,​23,​26,​27,​30,​31,​4,​5,​6,​7,​12,​13,​14,​15,​20,​21,​22,​23,​28,​29,​30,​31
9 DATA 8,​9,​10,​11,​12,​13,​14,​15,​24,​25,​26,​27,​28,​29,​30,​31,​16,​17,​18,​19,​20,​21,​22,​23,​24,​25,​26,​27,​28,​29,​30,​31	

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