
The main goal of Effectus is to emulate Action! language as close as possible. Source code is generated using Mad Pascal cross-compiler, which is further compiled to binary code with Mad Assembler (Mads). These powerful tools were created by Tomasz Biela (Tebe).

The steps are as follows:
- Action! code is parsed and appropriate Mad Pascal source code listing is generated
- Mad Pascal compiles this code to *.a65 file prepared for compilation by Mad Assembler
- Mad Assembler compiles *.a65 file to final binary code (*.xex by default)

examples directory includes listing examples to demonstrate available features of Effectus language, which can be basis for your further development and experimentation.

My special thanks and credits go to:
- Tomasz Biela (Tebe), author of Mad Pascal and Mad Assembler (Mads), who made this all possible with his great development tools
- Zbyti for the support with new examples (including benchmark testing), development support, fixing bugs and Linux distribution
- Mariusz Buk for hosting original project on GitHub with MacOs compilation
- All others not mentioned here, who help me to improve Effectus in any way

You can read about current development here.

Missing features and bug issues are listed here.

References: Effectus download repository Mad-Assembler and Mad-Pascal references

New version 0.5.5

New version 0.5.4

New version 0.5.3

Bug fixes

New version 0.5.2

New features

Bug fixes


New version 0.5.1

New features

Bug fixes

New version 0.5

New features

Bug fixes

New version 0.4.3

New features

Bug fixes


New version 0.4.2

New features

Bug fixes


New version 0.4.1