================== Effectus 0.5.5 ================== The main goal of Effectus is to emulate Action! language as close as possible. Source code is generated using Mad Pascal cross-compiler, which is further compiled to binary code with Mad Assembler (Mads). These powerful tools were created by Tomasz Biela (Tebe). The steps are following: - Action! code is parsed and appropriate Mad Pascal source code listing (*.pas) is generated - Mad Pascal compiles this code to *.a65 file prepared for compilation by Mad Assembler - Mad Assembler compiles *.a65 file to final binary code (*.xex by default) examples directory includes listing examples to demonstrate available features of Effectus language, which can be basis for your further development and experimentation. My special thanks and credits go to: - Tomasz Biela (Tebe), author of Mad Pascal and Mad Assembler (Mads). He made this all possible! - Zbyti, who helps me with developing, fixing bugs, Linux distribution compilation and providing me with many listing examples and benchmark test examples. And laughs... :) - Mariusz Buk for hosting original project on GitHub with MacOs compilation - All others not mentioned here, who help me with comments, suggestions, testing, etc. ------------------ What is supported? ------------------ Data types ---------- BYTE, CHAR, INT, CARD Extended data type ------------------ BYTE ARRAY, CARD ARRAY, POINTER - Variable memory address assignment Examples: BYTE CH=764, COL=710, BYTE GRACTL=$D01D - TYPE declaration TYPE REC = [ BYTE day, month CARD year BYTE height ] - Declaring array variables pointing to memory address BYTE ARRAY arrD=28000 CARD ARRAY arr=$8000 Conditions and branches ----------------------- - IF/THEN/ELSE/ELSEIF condition statements - FOR, WHILE, DO, UNTIL, OD branch statements - infinite loops using DO OD - EXIT statement for unconditional exit from the current condition or loop Graphics -------- PROCedures: GRAPHICS, PLOT, DRAWTO, FILL, LOCATE Global variable Color for setting the color to draw on screen Sound ----- PROCedures: SOUND, SNDRST INCLUDE files ------------- Files can be included, starting in the same directory as main compiled listing code. Currently one level of included files is supported. This means only main listing program can read files with INCLUDE directive, but not any other files, even if they have this directive called in. String manipulation ------------------- PROCedures: STRB, STRC, STRI, SCOPY, SCOPYS, SASSIGN, INPUTS, PRINT, PRINTE, PRINTB, PRINTBE, PRINTI, PRINTIE, PRINTC, PRINTCE, PRINTF, PUT, PUTE FUNCtions: GETD, INPUTB, INPUTC, INPUTI, SCOMPARE, VALB, VALC, VALI Arithmetic manipulation ----------------------- Bitwise manipulation -------------------- Bitwise/logical operators: AND (&), OR (%), XOR (!), LSH (left shift), RSH (right shift) Data manipulation ----------------- PROCedures: ZERO, SETBLOCK, MOVEBLOCK DEFINE declaration (constant substitutions for any statement) ------------------------------------------------------------- Device I/O support ------------------ PROCedures: OPEN, CLOSE, PUTD, PUTDE, PRINTD, PRINTDE, XIO, PRINTBD, PRINTBDE, PRINTCD, PRINTCDE, PRINTID, PRINTIDE, INPUTSD, INPUTMD FUNCtions: INPUTBD, INPUTCD, INPUTID - Printing to text modes by using PrintD and PrintDE is allowed Inline machine language ----------------------- - Support for inline machine language anywhere in the body of code listing (after variable declaration) Examples: [$A9$21$8D$02C6$0$60] [ $A9$90 $3E$02C6 $0 $60 ] - PROCedure machine language support - FUNCtion machine language support Example: PROC TEST=*(BYTE CURSOR,BACK,BORDER,X,Y,UPDOWN) [ $8E 710 ; BACKGROUND COLOR $8C 712 ; BORDER COLOR $8D 752 ; CURSOR VISIBILITY $A5 $A5 $8D 755 ; CHARACTERS UPSIDE DOWN? $A5 $A3 $8D 85 0 ; COLUMN FOR TEXT $A5 $A4 $8D 84 0 ; ROW FOR TEXT $60] You can send parameters to machine language routines. The compiler stores parameters using A, X and Y registers, then zero-page addresses from $A3 to $AF are used. Address nth byte of parameters ------- ---------------------- A register 1st X register 2nd Y register 3rd $A3 4th $A4 5th : : : : $AF 16th System manipulation ------------------- PROCedures: POKE, POKEC PROCedures: PEEK, PEEKC Extra, non-standard statements ------------------------------ - Support for Mad Pascal with directive PAS {} Example: PAS { repeat until keypressed; for i := 0 to 14 do begin SayHelloProc; Delay(120); end; } Calling PROCedures and FUNCtions, implemented in Effectus, must include appropriate string extension in PAS {} block, in particular, Proc extension for PROCedures and Func extension for FUNCtions. Variables or any other entities can be interchanged between Effectus and PAS {} block of code. - Support for Mad Assembler with directive ASM {} Example: ASM { lda #0 sta 710 } - ODFOR and ODWHILE loop directives, which can be used as substitutions for enclosing OD directive to close FOR and WHILE loop blocks as there are some issues when using FOR and WHILE statements inside ELSE and ELSEIF condition blocks Misc ---- - Additional PROCedures: POSITION, SETCOLOR - Aditional FUNCtions: RAND, STICK, STRIG, Paddle, PTrig - Custom PROCedures and FUNCtions are supported (parameters can be mixture of any scalar data type: BYTE, CARD, INT, CHAR) - Memory address calls through PROCedures are supported (OS calls can be accomplished) Examples: ; Scroll screen PROC SCROLL=$F7F7() ; Cassette-beep sound PROC BEEPWAIT=$FDFC(BYTE times) Effectus directory structure ---------------------------- - root directory: program executables, license documents and other supporting files - src: Effectus source code - examples: Action!/Effectus examples - bin: Mad Pascal and Mad Assembler binaries and source code Command prompt execution ------------------------ effectus Available options: -o:extension Binary file extension -c Clear summarized log file -i Effectus variable usage list -t Effectus only translate source to Mad Pascal -z Variable zero page address -zb BYTE variable zero page address -zw CARD (word) variable zero page address -zp Pointer (PByte) zero page address -mi Mad Assembler compile info -target:name Target system: a8 (default), c64, c4p, raw - Effectus/Action! source code listing can reside on any path and resulting code is also generated there - Log files are created on compile time Missing features and bug issues ------------------------------- You can read about missing features and bug issues in additional file dev_log.txt! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Bostjan Gorisek from Slovenia References: https://github.com/mariusz-buk/effectus https://github.com/Gury8/effectus https://atariage.com/forums/topic/291426-effectus-action-cross-compiler-using-mad-assembler-mads/ https://atariage.com/forums/topic/306222-effectus-suggestions-and-bug-reports/ Mad Pascal and MAD Assembler (MADS) are products written by Tomasz Biela (Tebe) from Poland References: http://mads.atari8.info/ https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Assembler