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Listing 1
1 REM 2 REM | ANIMATION 130 XE | 3 REM 4 REM (c) 1989 BAJTEK 5 REM Upraveno: 6 REM GIA Software 7 REM Pozor! 8 REM Tento program pracuje pouze 9 REM s pocitacem ATARI 130 XE. 10 GRAPHICS 0:?:?:? " Zadej pocet stran N=";:INPUT N:IF N<3 OR N>INT(N) THEN 10 20 F=106:T=128:D=193:H=80:A=120:B=30:Q=35:P=160:KT=360/N:N=KT/16:DEG 30 FOR K=0 TO 8 STEP 8:E=4-K:POKE F,T-4*K:FOR J=0 TO 3:IF J THEN D=D+E 40 POKE 54017,D:GOSUB H:NEXT J:NEXT K:POKE L,P:GOTO A 50 FOR I=1 TO N:IF PEEK(53279)=5 THEN IF N>0 THEN N=N-0.3 60 IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN N=N+0.3 70 NEXT I:RETURN 80 GRAPHICS 8+16:COLOR 1:SETCOLOR 2,0,0 90 FOR I=0 TO 360 STEP KT:X=P+A*COS(I+N):Y=Q+B*SIN(I+N):IF I THEN PLOT R,S:DRAWTO X,Y:DRAWTO X,Y+A:DRAWTO R,S+A 100 R=X:S=Y:NEXT I:FOR I=1 TO 300:NEXT I:N=N+KT/8:IF N<KT THEN RETURN 110 L=F:F=561:T=96:H=50:RETURN 120 L=77:P=0:A=30:N=10:GOTO A 130 REM *****************************
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