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Entry name:Efekt
Publisher/Developer:Tajemnice Atari
Listing 1
1 FOR I=0 TO 71:READ A:POKE 1536+I,A:NEXT I:? USR(1536) 2 DATA 104,169,63,133,128,169,255,162,15,157,0,208,202,16,250,141,10,212 3 DATA 165,0,230,0,73,32,141,0,208,69,128,141,1,208,173,11,212,141 4 DATA 18,208,73,255,141,19,208,173,11,212,201,64,144,4,198,0,198,0 5 DATA 173,11,212,208,212,165,20,133,0,41,127,208,204,230,128,76,15,6
Listing downloads
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