Random game
Random demo
Random game
Nailrace Nailrace Nailrace
Listing 1
1 GRAPHICS 0:​POKE 710,​0:​POKE 752,​1:​FOR I=1 TO 512:​POKE 37888+I,​0:​NEXT I:​FOR Q=2 TO 23:​POSITION 15,​Q:​? " ":​NEXT Q
2 X=120:​POKE 54279,​144:​POKE 53277,​3:​FOR I=0 TO 7:​READ A:​POKE 38098+I,​A:​NEXT I:​Z=1:​POKE 53278,​0:​POKE 559,​62
3 POKE 704,​30:​POSITION 2,​0:​? " Gringosoft :​":​P=0:​POSITION 3,​10:​? "":​PAUSE 40
4 ST=STICK(0):​X=X+(2*(ST=7))-(2*(ST=11)):​POKE 53248,​X:​SOUND 0,​45,​6,​10:​IF PEEK(53252)>0 THEN 9
5 Z=Z+1:​W=RAND(7):​IF Z=9 THEN POSITION 16+W,​2:​? "":​Z=1
6 B=RAND(50):​IF B=49 THEN POSITION 18,​1:​? " ":​POSITION 18,​2:​? " ":​POSITION 18,​3:​? " "
7 IF B=20 THEN POSITION 17,​1:​? "":​POSITION 17,​2:​? "|":​POSITION 17,​3:​? "|":​POSITION 16,​4:​? "":​POSITION 22,​1:​? ""
8 POSITION 15,​1:​? "":​POSITION 24,​1:​? "":​POSITION 0,​1:​? CHR$(157):​P=P+1:​POSITION 36,​0:​? P,​:​SOUND 0,​0,​0,​0:​GOTO 4
9 X=120:​POKE 53278,​0:​POSITION 6,​10:​? "":​POSITION 2,​12:​? "":​SOUND 0,​0,​0,​0:​IF PEEK(53279)=6 THEN POKE 704,​0:​RUN
10 C=RAND(254):​POKE 704,​C:​SOUND 0,​C,​10,​10:​GOTO 9:​DATA 24,​153,​255,​153,​60,​189,​255,​189	

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