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Listing 1
1 X=16:​GOSUB 7:​X=55:​GOSUB 7:​WHILE STRIG(0)<>0:​WEND:​POKE 656,​1:​POKE 657,​23:​? "0 ":​J=0
2 L=-7:​S=1:​P=0:​D=0:​POKE 656,​1:​POKE 657,​16:​? "SCORE":​WHILE 1:​C=1:​GOSUB 8:​C=0:​GOSUB 8
3 L=L+S:​POKE 656,​1:​POKE 657,​23:​? P:​IF L MOD 2=0 THEN SOUND 0,​120+5*L,​10,​5:​C=2:​GOSUB 9
4 IF STRIG(0)=0 AND D<=0:​C=0:​D=5:​GOSUB 9:​J=-2:​C=2:​GOSUB 9:​C=0:​GOSUB 9:​J=0:​ENDIF
5 IF ABS(L)>6:​L=S*6:​S=S*-1:​ENDIF:​SOUND 0,​0,​0,​0:​LOCATE 38,​35,​Z:​D=D-1
6 IF L=6 AND S=-1:​IF Z=0:​P=P+1:​ELSE:​GOTO 1:​ENDIF:​ENDIF:​WEND:​POKE 752,​0:​END
7 FOR I=1 TO 7:​POSITION X,​I+29:​? #6;M$(6*I-5,​6*I):​NEXT I:​RETURN
8 COLOR C:​PLOT 22,​32:​DRAWTO 28,​32+L:​DRAWTO 48,​32+L:​DRAWTO 54,​32:​RETURN
9 COLOR C:​CIRCLE 38,​36+J,​2:​FILLTO 38,​36+J:​RETURN	

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