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  • Entry name:
     ANTIC and the Display List: Part 3 
  • Category:
  • Publisher/Developer:
    SoftSide Publications
  • Year:
  • Code:
    Alan J. Zett
  • Programming language:
    Atari BASIC
source: ANTIC and the Display List: Part 3 ANTIC and the Display List: Part 3
Listing 1
10 GRAPHICS 23:​DL=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256+4:​POKE DL-1,​66:​FOR X=2 TO 6:​POKE DL+X,​2:​NEXT X:​POKE 709,​2
20 POKE DL+71,​2:​POKE DL+72,​2:​POKE DL+73,​65:​POKE DL+74,​PEEK(560):​POKE DL+75,​PEEK(561):​POKE 710,​10:​POKE 712,​148
30 FOR Y=6 TO 69:​COLOR INT((Y+5)/5):​PLOT 0,​Y:​DRAWTO 159,​Y:​NEXT Y:​COLOR 32:​PLOT 0,​0:​POKE 87,​0
40 ZERO1=PEEK(88)+PEEK(89)*256
50 SEVEN1=ZERO1+(6*40)
60 ZERO2=ZERO1+(70*40)
70 POKE 752,​1
100 X=ZERO2:​GOSUB 1000
200 X=SEVEN1:​GOSUB 1000:​POKE 87,​7
210 COLOR 3:​PLOT 79,​0:​DRAWTO 79,​63
300 X=ZERO1:​GOSUB 1000:​POKE 87,​0
400 END
1000 POKE 89,​X/256:​PLOT 0,​0
1010 POKE 88,​X-(256*PEEK(89))
1020 RETURN	

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