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Entry name:Star Slayer Title Screen
Publisher/Developer:SoftSide Publications

Listing 1
10 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 752,1 20 DL=PEEK(560)+PEEK(561)*256 30 DL=DL+4 40 POKE DL+5,7:POKE DL+6,7 50 POKE DL+12,6:POKE DL+13,6 60 POKE DL+28,65:POKE DL+29,PEEK(560) 70 POKE DL+30,PEEK(561):? CHR$(125) 80 SETCOLOR 2,9,0:SETCOLOR 4,9,0 90 POSITION 4,4:? "STAR SLAYER" 100 POSITION 4,10:? "THE ULTIMATE":POSITION 25,10:? "SPACE GAME" 110 POSITION 4,17:? "(C) 1982 - SOFTSIDE PUBLICATIONS" 120 FOR X=1 TO 4 130 FOR Y=255 TO 100 STEP -2.5 140 SOUND 0,Y,10,8:SOUND 1,351-Y,10,8 150 NEXT Y:NEXT X 160 SOUND 2,201,10,8:SOUND 3,253,10,8 170 GOTO 170
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