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Entry name:Vibrating Rectangles
Publisher/Developer:Rosetta Code

Listing 1
PROC DrawRectangles() BYTE i,x1,y1,x2,y2 x1=40 y1=8 x2=119 y2=87 FOR i=1 TO 20 DO Plot(x1,y1) DrawTo(x2,y1) DrawTo(x2,y2) DrawTo(x1,y2) DrawTo(x1,y1) x1==+2 y1==+2 x2==-2 y2==-2 OD RETURN PROC Main() BYTE CH=$02FC BYTE hue,lum Graphics(7+16) Color=1 DO IF Color=1 THEN Color=2 ELSE Color=1 FI hue=Rand(16) lum=Rand(8)*2 SetColor(Color-1,hue,lum) DrawRectangles() UNTIL CH#$FF OD CH=$FF RETURN
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