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Entry name:Atari Hires Sprites
Listing 1
0 Z=1024 1 DIM P$(Z*2) 2 X=(INT(ADR(P$)/Z)+1)*Z 3 POKE 54279,X/256:POKE 53277,3:POKE 559,46:POKE 623,1+16 4 FOR K=0 TO 7:POKE 704+K,K*32+4:NEXT K 5 FOR K=0 TO 3:POKE 53248+K,48+K*32:POKE 53252+K,176+K*8:NEXT K 6 FOR K=0 TO 4 7 POKE 53256+K,255:L=X+K*128+16+384 8 FOR N=L TO L+88 STEP 8:FOR M=0 TO 3:POKE N+M,170:POKE N+M+4,85:NEXT M:NEXT N 10 NEXT K: POKE 709,202: POKE 710,148
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