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Entry name:P/M Character Stripes
Publisher/Developer:Tajemnice Atari
Listing 1
1 POKE 106,PEEK(106)-4:GRAPHICS 0:PMB=PEEK(106):FOR I=PMB*256+384 TO PMB*256+1024:POKE I,170:NEXT I 2 POKE 54279,PMB 3 POKE 623,1+16:POKE 53277,3:POKE 53256,3:POKE 53257,3:POKE 53258,3:POKE 53259,3:POKE 53248,112:POKE 53260,255 4 POKE 53249,48:POKE 53250,80:POKE 53251,144:POKE 53255,176:POKE 53254,184:POKE 53253,192:POKE 53252,200 5 POKE 559,46:POKE 704,8:POKE 706,6:POKE 707,10:POKE 705,4:POKE 711,12:POKE 710,0:POKE 709,15
Listing 2
1 POKE 106,PEEK(106)-4:GRAPHICS 0:PMB=PEEK(106):FOR I=PMB*256+384 TO PMB*256+1024:POKE I,170:NEXT I 2 POKE 54279,224 3 POKE 623,1+16:POKE 53277,3:POKE 53256,3:POKE 53257,3:POKE 53258,3:POKE 53259,3:POKE 53248,112:POKE 53260,255 4 POKE 53249,48:POKE 53250,80:POKE 53251,144:POKE 53255,176:POKE 53254,184:POKE 53253,192:POKE 53252,200 5 POKE 559,46:POKE 704,8:POKE 706,6:POKE 707,10:POKE 705,4:POKE 711,12:POKE 710,0:POKE 709,15
Listing 3
1 POKE 106,PEEK(106)-4:GRAPHICS 0:PMB=PEEK(106):FOR I=PMB*256+384 TO PMB*256+1024:POKE I,170:NEXT I 2 POKE 54279,204 3 POKE 623,1+16:POKE 53277,3:POKE 53256,3:POKE 53257,3:POKE 53258,3:POKE 53259,3:POKE 53248,112:POKE 53260,255 4 POKE 53249,48:POKE 53250,80:POKE 53251,144:POKE 53255,176:POKE 53254,184:POKE 53253,192:POKE 53252,200 5 POKE 559,46:POKE 704,8:POKE 706,6:POKE 707,10:POKE 705,4:POKE 711,12:POKE 710,0:POKE 709,15
Listing downloads
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