Variables, arrays, sets, types

Demonstration of using arrays for holding different types of values, such as numbers and strings
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using array sets
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using arrays in loops (WHILE and FOR loop)
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of declaring type (struct) and its usage with variable
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration od using records in array of custom type
Effectus code ASM code Executable

DEFINE statement

Demonstration of using DEFINE statement for defining constant value
Effectus code ASM code Executable

POKE and PEEK statement

Demonstration of using POKE statement
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using PEEK statement
Effectus code ASM code Executable


Graphics mode 15 demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Graphics demonstration by w1k
Effectus code ASM code Executable

String manipulation

SCopy command demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

SCopyS command demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

SAssign command demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

String to number conversion using ValB, ValI and ValC commands
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Number to string conversion using StrB, StrI and StrC commands
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Branch and loop statements (IF/THEN, FOR/STEP, WHILE, DO OD)

FOR loop demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

WHILE loop demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

UNTIL loop demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using EXIT command in loop statements
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration od using DO OD loop
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Loop effects by ascrnet
Effectus code ASM code Executable

IF / ELSE branch demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using IF statement with two conditions
Effectus code ASM code Executable

PROCedured and FUNCtions

Demonstration of using local procedures
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using local functions
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Inline machine language usage in PROCedures
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Inline machine language usage anywhere in the body of PROCedures
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Inline machine language usage in FUNCtions
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Arithmetic and bitwise operations

Arithmetics demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Arithmetics demonstration of using operators MOD, ==+, ==-, ==*, and ==/
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using logical (bitwise) operators
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Printing characters on screen or other device

Demonstration of printing characters on screen
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using PrintF command for printing formatted string on screen
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of printing characters on special device
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of printing text in graphics mode 2 (program by by ascrnet)
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Disk input/output

Demonstration of reading characters one at a time from text file
Effectus code ASM code Executable Disk image

Demonstration of reading lines of strings from text file
Effectus code ASM code Executable Disk image


Sound demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Joystick manipulation demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Demonstration of using pointers with POINTER variable type
Effectus code ASM code Executable

String input demonstration using InputS command
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Random number generator demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Simple game using random number generator
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Keyboard device demonstration
Effectus code ASM code Executable

INCLUDE demonstration (showing how to include library file to main program)
Effectus code ASM code Executable

Example user library for using in main program with INCLUDE statement
Effectus code Effectus code