Most routines are commented (description, parameters, results) in all runtime libraries, so you can check there for particular routine you are interested in.

Tested commands


Action! definition:
PROC Put(CHAR character)
Outputs a character to the default channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Put .proc (.byte a) .reg


Action! definition:
Outputs a RETURN character to the default channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
PutE .macro


Action! definition:
PROC PrintB(BYTE number)
Outputs a byte in decimal format to the default channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintBE(BYTE number)
Outputs a byte in decimal format to the default channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintC(CARD number)
Outputs a CARD value in decimal format to the defaul channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintCE(CARD number)
Outputs a CARD value in decimal format to the defaul channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintI(INT number)
Outputs an INT value in decimal format to the defaul channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintIE(INT number)
Outputs an INT value in decimal format to the defaul channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Stick(BYTE port)
Get the position of the joystick plugged into the specified port.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Stick .macro


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Strig(BYTE port)
Get the trigger state of the joystick plugged into the specified port.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Strig .macro


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Paddle(BYTE port)
Get the current position of the paddle on the specified port.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Paddle .macro


Action! definition:
Get the trigger state of the paddle on the specified port.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Ptrig .macro


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Rand(BYTE range)
Get a random number between 0 and range - 1. If range is 0 then a number between 0 and 255 is returned.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Rand .macro


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Peek(CARD address)
Get the BYTE value stored at the specified address.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Peek .macro


Action! definition:
PROC Poke(CARD address, BYTE value)
Set the value of the BYTE at the specified address to the specified BYTE value.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Poke .macro


Action! definition:
PROC Sound(BYTE voice, pitch, distortion, volume)
Set the pitch, distortion, and volume for the specified voice.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Sound .proc (.byte voice+1, freq+1, dist+1, volume+1) .var


Action! definition:
PROC SndRst()
Reset all the sound voices to off.

Effectus / MADS definition:
SndRst .proc


Action! definition:
PROC SCopy(targetString, sourceString)
Copy the contents of sourceString to the contents of targetString.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC SCopyS(targetString, sourceString, BYTE start, stop)
Copy a part of sourceString to the contents of targetString.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC Graphics(BYTE mode)
Set the screen to one of Atari's graphic and text modes.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Graphics .proc (.byte y) .reg


Action! definition:
BYTE color
A variable defined in the Library for use with the Plot, DrawTo, and Fill procedures.

Effectus / MADS definition:
color .proc (.byte x) .reg


Action! definition:
PROC Plot(CARD column, BYTE row)
Move the cursor to the specified column and row and set the content to the color specified in the color variable.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Plot .proc (.word ax .byte y) .reg


Action! definition:
PROC DrawTo(CARD column, BYTE row)
Draw a line from the cursor to the specified column and row.

Effectus / MADS definition:
DrawTo .proc (.word ax .byte y) .reg


Effectus / MADS definition:
PRINTG .proc + core implementation


Effectus / MADS definition:
PRINTG .proc + core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC StrB(BYTE number, string)
Convert a BYTE value to a string in decimal format.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC StrC(CARD number, string)
Convert a CARD value to a string in decimal format.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC StrI(INT number, string)
Convert a INT value to a string in decimal format.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC ValB(string)
Convert a string composed of digits into a BYTE value.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
CARD FUNC ValC(string)
Convert a string composed of digits into a CARD value.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
INT FUNC ValI(string)
Convert a string composed of digits into a INT value.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC Open(BYTE channel, fileString, BYTE mode, aux2)
Open the specified channel on the device named in fileString.

Effectus / MADS definition:
open .proc (.byte chn,com .word fname) .var


Action! definition:
PROC Close(BYTE channel)
Close the specified channel that was previously opened by the Open procedure.

Effectus / MADS definition:
close .proc (.byte x) .reg


Action! definition:
CHAR FUNC GetD(BYTE channel)
Input a character from the specified channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
GetD .proc (.byte x) .reg


Action! definition:
PROC InputSD(BYTE channel, string)
Inputs a string of up to 255 characters from the specified channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC InputS(string)
Inputs a string of up to 255 characters from the default channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintD(BYTE channel, string)
Outputs a string to the specified channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintDE(BYTE channel, string)
Outputs a string to the specified channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintBD(BYTE channel, number)
Outputs a byte in decimal format to the specified channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintBDE(BYTE channel, number)
Outputs a byte in decimal format to the specified channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintCD(BYTE channel, CARD number)
Outputs a CARD value in decimal format to the specified channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintCDE(BYTE channel, CARD number)
Outputs a CARD value in decimal format to the specified channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintID(BYTE channel, INT number)
Outputs an INT value in decimal format to the specified channel without a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC PrintIDE(BYTE channel, INT number)
Outputs an INT value in decimal format to the specified channel with a RETURN at the end.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Core implementation


Action! definition:
PROC Position(CARD column, BYTE row)
Move the cursor to the specified column and row.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Position .proc (.word ax .byte y) .reg


Action! definition:
BYTE FUNC Locate(CARD column, BYTE row)
Get the color or character at the specified column and row.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Locate .proc (.word ax .byte y) .reg

Untested commands


Action! definition:
PROC XIO(BYTE channel, 0, command, aux1, aux2, fileString)
This procedure is a system call designed to provide access to DOS.

Effectus / MADS definition:


Action! definition:
PROC MoveBlock(BYTE POINTER target, source, CARD size)
Move a block of memory from source to target.

Effectus / MADS definition:
.MACRO MoveBlock


Action! definition:
PROC SetBlock(BYTE POINTER address, CARD size, BYTE value)
Set the BYTE values in a block of memory to the specified value.

Effectus / MADS definition:
SetBlock .macro


Action! definition:
PROC Zero(BYTE POINTER address, CARD size)
Set the BYTE values in a block of memory to zero.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Zero .macro


PROC Note(BYTE channel, CARD POINTER sector, BYTE POINTER offset)
Get the current file sector and byte offset for the disk drive on the specified channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Note .proc (.byte chn, sector, offset) .var


PROC Point(BYTE channel, CARD sector, BYTE offset)
Set the current file sector and byte offset for the disk drive on the specified channel.

Effectus / MADS definition:
Point .proc (.byte chn, sector, offset) .var